Thursday, February 28, 2008

I lost my heart...

I've been known to be a bit critical when it comes to authors such as the much lover Robert A. Heinlein. He was actually the first science fiction author my mother read, apparently, and she loved him, but I've learned that you can't always depend on your parents. I don't know if it's his libertarian politics or the fact that the man invented the waterbed, but I just get an iffy feeling from him.

Anyways, I kinda like Starship Troopers. Both the book, and the movie. Actually I prefer the movie, simply because it's such a damn good parody of the book. Everything that Heinlein believed and poured into the novel, is turned on its head and used against him. The only thing left standing is the axiom that "military intelligence, isnt". His warmongering policy of might makes right is blasted to pieces by Verhoeven's WWII traumas. And I'm loving every moment of it. Heinlein's ideas are turned into satirical propaganda, that had me rolling on the floor laught. How can I not like this?

I have to admit... I lost my heart to a Starship Trooper.

Who said I was a heartless fiend...?

Wednesday, February 27, 2008

Steampunk CD player

I'm an afficionado of all things Victoriana and Steampunk, but I'm not just practical enough to build anything myself. So the best way to become my best friend (for life, warranty included) is probably to build me one of these.

It's simply a beautiful and imaginative piece of work, that is a must have for any gentleman of good taste. An I am nothing if not a gentleman... though some have claimed that my taste is somewhat lacking, but nevertheless. This lovely little Victorian / Steampunk CD-player would be perfect for playing those cello-concertos I love to listen to, while reading a book of 19th century poetry. And you wouldn't want to deprive me of that pleasure, would you?

Build this for me. Give it to me. And I will grant you whatever that's in my power to give in return. Like a burned CD of Ben Houge's Arcanum soundtrack? Or a bit of a tickling? (I'm not a wealthy man...)

While I'm waiting for my wish to materialize, I just have to settle to looking at the pictures, and watching this little video demonstration of the player;

Kudos to Prof. Emilio Zuntaras for his Bi-Orbital Spectral Audiometer. Truly excellent work, and I'm not ashamed to admit that it kind of turns me on.

Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I found myself in the Bible

I'm a lover of religious text, and not just those that praise me and work - and I'm sure there are a lot of them out there. Religious texts, myths and great litterature are archetypal in nature, and we can always some element, whether an emotion, situation or personality that we recognize as our own.

And this way, one drunken night, I found myself in the Bible, while watching the original Jesus Christ Superstar adaptation. He didn't look much like me (well, you could always shave his head and add a beard, and perhaps a couple of pounds), and well, I don't much agree with his opinions. But his lifestyle? His whole attitude? And his moves? Baby, those moves are mine.

Who are you asking? Who am I in the Bible?

None other than King Herod, sweetie!

Now walk across my swimming pool

The arrival of a royal cleric

So here I was, newly arrived, but not new to the world. Welcome to what will be an expanding collection of my musings, old and new. I've been writing here and there in my native language for several years, and I've even managed to blog almost daily for several years. But it's been bothering me that some of my international friends and contacts couldn't understand and read my ramblings, and I've been toying with an English version of some of my writings for a couple of years. It only makes sense, since my original blog was in part intended as a place to practice writing in my native language, as I had been focusing all too much on my writings in English.

So here we go, I am the King in Yellow, Hastur. Let's leave it at that. I choose not to advertise my mortal identity, even though most of my readers will already be aware of it. This blog will be a reflection of my life in Lost Carcosa, by the lake of Hali, where everything seems clearer through a kaleidoscope.

I will help all you paranoid and deluded souls out there. And give you the guidance that you need, the aid so much needed, but never offered by the mainstream health authorities:

In The Know: Is The Government Spying On Paranoid Schizophrenics Enough?

Prepare yourself. Your King is here.
My sign is yellow. And I wear no mask. Face me if you dear. Face the reflection.