Tuesday, February 26, 2008

I found myself in the Bible

I'm a lover of religious text, and not just those that praise me and work - and I'm sure there are a lot of them out there. Religious texts, myths and great litterature are archetypal in nature, and we can always some element, whether an emotion, situation or personality that we recognize as our own.

And this way, one drunken night, I found myself in the Bible, while watching the original Jesus Christ Superstar adaptation. He didn't look much like me (well, you could always shave his head and add a beard, and perhaps a couple of pounds), and well, I don't much agree with his opinions. But his lifestyle? His whole attitude? And his moves? Baby, those moves are mine.

Who are you asking? Who am I in the Bible?

None other than King Herod, sweetie!

Now walk across my swimming pool

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